Related Skills
- Good teamwork skills and independent worker
- Problem solving skills
- Good mathematical background including knowledge of statistics
- Knowledge of operating scientific equipment and posses strong technicalskills
- Application of biological theories into practice
- Communication skills
- Creativity
- Strong work ethic and professional behavior
- Flexibility in thought and adaptive to new ideas
Career Industry Liaison
Sakhawat Tanim
(309) 438-2200
223 Bone Student Center
Internship Coordinators
Elisha Swanson
(309) 438-7232
Professional Practice
Shawn Hitchcock
(309) 438-7854
317 Science Laboratory Building
Related Fields
- Basic
- Applied
- Medical
- Grant Writing
- Administration
- University laboratories
- Federal government laboratories/agencies including:
- National Science Foundation
- National Institutes of Health
- Food and Drug Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Agriculture
- Armed Services
- State and local government laboratories/agencies
- Public health departments
- Hospital laboratories
- Commercial medical laboratories
- Private testing laboratories including forensics
- Independent research foundations
- Industry laboratories:
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Biotechnology firms
- Food processors
- Cosmetic manufacturers
- Chemical and petroleum industries
- Agricultural industry
- Bachelor's degree in biochemistry, biology, or chemistry qualifies one for laboratorytechnician or research assistant positions.
- Choose courses with laboratory work.
- Get on the job experience in a laboratory and/or complete a senior researchproject.
- Complete a certificate training program, usually one year, to learnspecialized laboratory techniques.
- Take a course in grant writing.
- Earn master's degree in biochemistry for better positions, advancement opportunities,more responsibility and higher pay.
- Obtain Ph.D. to direct research projectsand lead research teams.
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Optometry
- Podiatry
- Pharmacy
- Veterinary Medicine
- Allied Health
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Hospitals
- Medical centers
- Nursing homes
- Private practice
- Plan on attending medical school or other related graduate program.
- Maintainan outstanding grade point average, particularly in the sciences.
- Secure strongfaculty recommendations.
- Meet with a pre-health advisor periodically.
- Join relatedstudent organizations.
- Demonstrate leadership abilities.
- Volunteer to work ina hospital or healthcare setting.
- Find a summer job or internship in a hospital.
- Develop a back up plan in case medical/graduate school admission is denied.
- Consider alternative but related careers such as physician assistants.
- Researchall of the various fields within medicine to determine a particular career goal.
- Elementary
- Secondary
- Post-secondary
- Public and private elementary, middle, and high schools
- Two-year community colleges/technical institutes
- Four-year institutions
- Medical schools
- Complete an accredited teacher preparation program for certification/licensurein biology and/or chemistry.
- Ph.D. required for college or university teaching.
- Some teaching positions in two-year institutions may be available for thosewith a master's degree.
- Prepare to attend graduate school by maintaining a highgrade point average and securing strong faculty recommendations.
- Serve as atutor for high school or college students.
- Learn to communicate effectively.
Other Professional Opportunities
- Sales/Marketing
- Technical Writing
- Scientific Journalism
- Scientific Illustration
- Regulatory Affairs
- Administration/Management
- Scientific/Technical Recruiting
- Intellectual Property/Patent Law
- Biotechnology industry
- Pharmaceutical and chemical companies
- Publishers: Textbook, magazine, newspaper, book
- Software firms
- Regulatory agencies
- Search firms
- Law firms
- Legal departments of corporations
- For sales positions, gain sales experience through internships, part-time work,or summer jobs.
- Take business and/or computer classes. Become familiar withdesktop publishing and other software packages.
- Develop strong written and oralcommunication skills.
- Get experience writing for a school or local newspaper.
- Obtain an MBA or Ph.D. to reach high levels of administration. Plan on attendinglaw school if interested in law.
Other Professions
- Anatomist
- Biochemist
- Clinical researcher
- Environmental Engineer
- Genetic Engineer
- Histopathologist
- Industrial Hygienist
- Laboratory Tech.
- Marine Biologist
- Microbiologist
- Mycologist
- Nutritionist
- Oceanographer
- Paramedic
- Pharmacist
- Toxicologist
- Veterinarian
- Virologist
- Wildlife Biologist
- Zoologist